Learn how Early Warning can help your FI use big data and predictive analytics to say goodbye to bank deposit fraud

Seventy-one percent of financial professionals reported that their organizations were impacted by payments fraud in 20211.


The good news? That’s the lowest level reported since 2014. After reaching a record high in 2018 and 2019 (with 80...

Payment fraud detection is difficult to perfect. It’s a slippery form of fraud that shifts its shape as new technologies emerge. Indeed, criminals are relentless in their pursuit to steal funds via unauthorized payments—continuously innovating new...

Picture this: a fraudster writes a check for $5,000 from his account at a credit union and walks over to his local branch of a nationwide bank, depositing the check by scanning it in at the ATM. It’s a large check, so the bank makes half of the funds...

Easier ways to send and receive payments? Check!

The need to write and send paper checks dwindling? Check!

Check fraud becoming a relic of the past?

Umm, not so much…

The reality is, check fraud shot up a mind-blowing 96% in 2022 according to the...

While media coverage around the danger of P2P payments is escalating, the reality is that Zelle® fraud and scams have materially declined over the last five years relative to the network’s growth. More than 99.9% of over five billion Zelle® transacti...

Learn more about Nacha’s updated rules and regulations going into effect starting in 2024.
WEB debit entries continue to increase in popularity and have historically been susceptible to fraud. To combat the rising criminal activity, the rule requires businesses to validate a consumer's bank account information when initiating an ACH debit transaction.

Scottsdale, AZ Early Warning Services, LLC, the network owner and operator of Zelle®, today responded to misleading reports of fraud and scams on the Zelle Network®.

Tens of millions of consumers safely use Zelle® every day with more than 99.9% of...

New and emerging banking technologies like same-day ACH offer speed and convenience for consumers. They also open the door to new fraud risks. Seeing a lucrative opportunity for theft, criminals are devising new tools for attacking modern payments...